Student life

Career Ambassadors

We believe that career development, along with academic studies and recreational activities, is an important part of our students’ university life. Each year, two current senior students serve as GLEF Career Ambassadors. Their mission is to supplement the programme’s career support by organising various events to raise students’ awareness of their professional careers.  

Over the years, several career-related activities have been organised. Workshops on ‘hard skills’, such as investment and VBA workshops, were held in response to our students’ demands. These workshops aim to broaden students’ knowledge and skills beyond the classroom. Senior students were also invited to lead sessions on exchanges and internships. These sessions not only help junior students connect with their peers but also provide job-hunting tips an industry knowledge. Attendees can then plan their career paths in advance as they learn more about various roles in different industries.  

In addition to career events, we maintain an internship and exchange database accessible to all students. Students are encouraged to use the database and contact senior students to leverage the GLEF network.


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